am i overreacting ?

My boyfriend and i went to my parent's earlier today and he and my dad had some drinks together. My boyfriend got pretty drunk and i noticed he was slightly slurring his words and just seemed pretty tipsy overall. We came home and he put me to bed, and i happened to wake up a half hour or so after i had fallen asleep bc my dogs were being a little loud. i woke up to an empty apartment with my bf nowhere to be found. i called him and he had walked down our busy street, wearing all black, to go to a bar without even giving me a heads up. i'm not sure if i'm overreacting or if i have a valid reason to be upset. i feel like he could have been hit or gotten hurt given how intoxicated he was. i would have driven him to the bar myself had i knew he wanted to go or he could've even called an uber to drive him over and back

* EDIT *

thank you ladies for validating my feelings. i was worried i was being controlling of him for being so upset over it but it gives me relief to see that i didn't overreact and what he did wasn't a good decision. i've talked to him about cutting back on his alcohol consumption and he said he'd work on it so let's hope he keeps his word 🤞🏼