Feeling depressed because my sister hates me

I am pregnant and I would wish my sister could be happy for me. It's the opposite she hates me and now even more.

They lost their baby and now I am expecting one. She cannot deal with it and lashes out all the time. She doesn't want to see me and doens't want to know anything about it.

It hurts me so much as I don't have a lot family around and wish she was part of my life.


Thank you for all the replys.

I did try to give her space and did not send her pictures or messages to update about the pregnancy as she didn't want to know. She just feels the world is unfair as she thinks I always had all the luck in the world. Her car broke down and she lashed out, their house has some problems with heating and she shouts at me.... Her partner doesn't earn that much money and drinks a lot. She is annoyed because mine is so different. I do really hope time heals and I want to be there for her too. She just cuts me out of her life now completely. I don't think she knows what's her problem with me right now.