Why is he hiding his friends from me


I’m in a long distance relationship and basically all we are really able to do at this point is play video games together and talk on the phone. He calls me every night before 12 so that my alarm goes off to wake me up if I fall asleep early so that we can sleep on call. However he is not really doing that anymore. He just stoped calling and is up playing games with his friends instead. He sets his status to offline whenever he plays with them and is only online when playing with me. When I ask him why he didn’t call his initial response is he just wasn’t thinking. So I question him further and then he says he lost tract of time playing with his friends but still wanted to call. But he never did call. He actually says “I am going to call you before bed” and then just never does. Does he just want to spend time with friends instead? Am I in the right for thinking he is hiding this stuff from me??