Would you keep asking for attention?

So today out of the blue my OH said I should try get a baby sitter so we could go out for a meal and drink. I was dumbfounded cos the last time we went on a date was July 2019. And I had been asking time and time again for a date/attention/affection/anything.

Anyhow I wasn’t able to get a sitter. So he suggested he go get a takeaway and bring it home. Lovely. I asked if he could bring back a bottle of coke so I could have a cheeky vodka and coke.

In my head we were going to have a meal in front of the tv together and a little drink. Lovely.

He turns up with the food and a mate!!!

They are now in garden having a drink watching boxing while I sit with the baby and my food in the living room, alone, again!

So I’ve just gone outside and said night I’m taking baby up to bath and put to bed now and he says why you in a mood?

I said I ain’t I’m just bored and I’ve sat in the living room on my own again like I do every night!

He just had a scream and shout at me. Saying I never asked him to have a drink or dinner together and I do this all the time and he sick of it blah blah blah.

So while I’m in bed feeding baby I sent a message to him saying how I felt and I got a reply saying don’t talk to me!

I am so tired of asking for attention. So sick and tired of asking for support with the baby. I’m so tired of being made to feel like my feelings are invalid, wrong and irrelevant.

I actually love him and I’m sure he loves me but he is just like a man child. Everything else is ok I guess. He supports financially (I do also work) and I dont think he would cheat on me but I just don’t know anymore. We argue all the time now since baby came. But he says it’s me I’m to blame