Is it important to get dressed (out of pajamas) every day?


Recently in a Facebook groups for stay at home moms/work at home moms, a question was asked if you get yourself (and/or your children) dressed every day. I would say 90% of the responses were no, and I found that interesting because even though I’ve stayed at home/worked at home since 2019, I have always still gotten myself and my children dressed out of pajamas, even if we don’t go anywhere.

I’ve always read there is a correlation to mental health and the desire to “care for” yourself in that aspect, bathing, getting dressed, etc. and there are multiple articles and blogs about it.

Do you think it’s important to get dressed every day?

What about your children?

Do you think there is a higher prevalence of depression in people who stay at home more often because of this?

Vote below to see results!