Why are people so mean… heartbroken!!


My husband and I went to play tennis for the first time since before I was pregnant. It was supposed to be our 7th month old daughters nap time and she’s typically a great sleeper and will sleep anywhere. She fell asleep on the way there and when I moved her to the stroller she woke up and started to cry. I walked around with her in the stroller and she stopped crying and we started to play. She kept crying off and on. We would go try to get her to sleep but every time she saw us she would cry harder so we thought we’d leave her alone and hoped she would fall asleep.

We realized that wasn’t going to happen so we were just finishing our last game when the people a few courts down, a man and presumably his teenage son, were leaving. I heard him say from across the court obviously loud enough he wanted us to hear “we’re done. I can’t listen to the two shittiest parents listen to their baby cry.” It bothered me but in my head I though F-u man. What do you know. I also assumed my husband heard and was choosing to ignore him and I did want to start a big thing. The guy was on his phone and I was not sure if he was calling to report us or something… not even sure if that’s a thing you can do but I was worried about it.

It wasn’t until I walked over to my husband I realized how upset I was and I just melted down crying and haven’t been able to stop since. I keep telling myself that he has no idea who we are and what kind of parents we are and it shouldn’t matter but it hurt so much. We tried something, it didn’t work but don’t think that makes us shitty parents. My 7th month old daughter will not be permanently scarred from the one time we tried to play tennis during her nap and she wouldn’t fall asleep. Why are people so hateful. I’m so frustrated I didn’t say something so he knows what he did was wrong and how much it hurt me. I need to move on and not let it affect me the rest of the day but this feeling is so hard to shake.