How many Dr appointments by 11 weeks?


Ok, so I got married in June and happened to be ovulating on our honeymoon. July rolls around and my period is late. I do a test and I get a faint positive. A few days later I start bleeding lightly for 3 days but never enough in a day to fill a pad. I call the doctor to see if I should go in thinking something is wrong. The nurse on the phone tells me I was likely never pregnant and a faint positive can happen right before period. August comes around and no period. Now I track my period and ovulation and we didn’t have sex around my ovulation in July, though it could have been off if I truly had a late period. So o go to doctor and find out I’m testing positive! So excited. But I’m either 11 weeks or closer to 7.

The only appointment I’ve had is the one where they drew blood to test me for pregnancy. I haven’t received any instructions or anything. I’ve been trying to drink more water, eat more oatmeal and dark leafy greens because I read I needed to. I feel like I should be in vitamins but wanted to wait for my doctors instructions. Is this normal? How many appointments did you all have at this stage?