😑 i need help 😢

Okay hi I'm 21 I have two beautiful girls . I am pregnant with my third child. I need to know how I can clean my system of THC fast. I want to stay clean. I found out I was pregnant and I have had a few slips, I mean I smoked with my first child and she was perfectly heathy. 8 pounds 6 ounces beautiful however I have DCF involved since August, they have actually removed my children. I'm so scared to tell my worker I'm pregnant, I do want my kids back and I can get them back as long as I do my case plan. I just found it hard to cope with losing my children, weed helps my depression and I was doing good. Quit smoking for about 6 days even quit smoking cigarettes, then had court last Thursday And i slipped. I just want to clean my system & fast. I never even wanna smoke again after all this. Please don't judge me I am trying to right my wrongs.