Will it come true?

So at the beginning of the month I was visiting family and we were playing this little “ask a question and get a yes, no, maybe or try again answer” ….. obviously someone had to ask if I was going to end up pregnant this month. The game said yes. Little does my family know, it has recently come true. We also asked if I was going to have a girl. It said yes. We then we asked if I was going to have a boy…it also said yes. So finally we asked it one more question, Is it going to be twins….. can you guess what that answer was?

Now I’m SO anxious for my first ultrasound to see if its actually correct lol (I know, I know, it was just a game but still, its always been right when we ask it things. 🤷🏼‍♀️)

Now I’m nervous, scared and excited all at the same time! Haha 🙈 and impatiently waiting to find out.

Ps….. if you know who I am (as I may have family and friends on here) DON’T SAY A WORD!