My family makes it seem like I’m an alcoholic

It’s so annoying. I rarely drink. I don’t even remember the last time I drank! Maybe a couple months ago? But I’m single with no children and I think that makes them think I don’t have my life together which automatically makes me an alcoholic if I have any alcoholic beverage? Anytime I drink at any family function (everyone else is also drinking) they make comments. Even if I only have one beer/mixed drink. I had ONE truly within a four hour time frame once and they made it seem like I was out of control and a drunk for driving home later that night. They say things like “yeah you can DRINK” “maybe you should really cut down the drinking” etc. it’s so fucking annoying (excuse my language) because I rarely drink. I don’t do drugs or even use marijuana. I definitely don’t drink during the week because I work Monday-Friday so if I do drink it’s a Saturday and if I get drunk (which is rare) I make sure I have a ride home or I just stay the night. It’s just so annoying and idk what to do. I’ve never been an alcoholic and I’m 26 years old. I’m an adult and if I want to have a couple drinks it should be fine 🙄