Failed the 1 hour but still in normal range?

Alexandria • Wife 7/3/11💍 Mommy to Mila 2/20/19 👧🏻 + Eleanor 11/23/21 👶🏻

My ob office called and said that my glucose level was high and that I need to do the 3 hour test. I had a feeling it might be elevated because I had scrambled eggs in the morning before the test and I made them they way I make them for my 2 year old: a splash of milk, shredded cheese cooked in butter. I totally wasn’t thinking that probably wasn’t good to have 🤦🏻‍♀️. Anyways I asked what my number was and the lady said it was 140. The normal range for my office is 50-140. So why are they saying I failed if technically I’m still in the normal range. I feel like it’s because I’m a plus size mom and being judged a little. 😔