I feel like a terrible person for this

I just gave birth 5 days ago, and had a hemorrhage afterwards. I've been very stressed out lately And get annoyed by every single thing. Today my boyfriend was holding the baby as I was getting ready to breastfeed him. We start arguing about something that I admit was childish. I quickly got overheated and clipped my nursing bra back, put my shirt on, got up, and left the apartment. I left the baby with him crying and hungry. I walked out to the parking lot and got in the car and sat there for a minute before realizing what I had just done and telling myself that the baby needs me and I just left him. I got out of the car and ran back to the apartment crying and tried to get the baby back to feed him but my boyfriend refused to let me have him. After a few minutes of a screaming baby and yelling, he finally gave the baby back to me and I sat down and fed him. My boyfriend apologized to me later for not letting me have him back and I feel absolutely terrible for leaving. Am I a bad person for this? I feel so overwhelmed and now I feel like something is wrong with me because I walked out like that. This is my first baby and I already feel like the worst mother in existence