Am I overreacting or would you find this weird?

I am the middle child of 5 but the oldest of 3 girls. My dad is a narcissistic alcoholic who is barely involved in our lives but is emotionally abusive when he is, and my mom just lets him walk all over her and us. I just had a baby about 4 months ago and I feel like my dad is starting to form an odd attachment to him.

To start, my dad rarely even TALKS to my sisters (who are still young and have been begging for his attention for YEARS) but any time my son comes around or if my son’s name comes up, he’s all about it. If we’re there when he gets home from work, he comes right in and sits with him for half an hour at least. He claims he wants to be involved in everything in his life.

My dad decided to do a bunch of home renovation projects that he’s put off for about 6 years because he says my son “deserves it” for when he visits.

We used to go over there for 2 days out of the week but then I realized how much of a terrible idea that was so we stopped. Ever since then, he has been mad that I do not bring the baby around him and tries to guilt trip us back over.

When my partner and I were butting heads, I decided to stay at my parents’ to give him some space. My dad automatically assumed we were splitting up and started planning a nursery for the baby. Started randomly saying how he feels my partner’s family “controls him” (he’s never even met them???) and how he wishes he had more control over me and my son. Then starts talking about how I should keep the baby from his dad and he would financially support us instead.

Even says he will BABYSIT and says word for word “Alcohol or (son’s name)? That’d be such an easy choice for me”. Yet, again, won’t do it for his OWN kids?? Even tho they been begging?? INCLUDING me??

Maybe I’m overreacting but it just doesn’t sit right with me…

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