I’m freaking out.


I’m currently 9w3d. I made a similar post when I wasn’t as far along but now I’m really doubting.

I have one healthy daughter with my husband and we’ve had four miscarriages between her and this pregnancy. All four were super early miscarriages. This is the farthest I have progressed in a pregnancy since then.

My symptoms have completely stopped. I have none. I’ve googled and googled and most everything I read says sometimes symptoms stop before a miscarriage. My first ultrasound/OB appointment is today and my anxiety is getting the best of me, thinking something is horribly wrong. I haven’t had any bleeding or severe cramping. My symptoms have just disappeared (other than frequent urination, which could be because I’ve upped my water intake).

Has anyone had this happen and was everything perfectly okay when you seen your OB? I just need some good vibes/prayers. This mommas heart and mind is in overdrive.