Trying to concieve baby #3

Glenda • A mother to two amazing kids but me and my husband have tried for two years for a baby and will not give up
I have to beautiful children and me and my husband have been trying for 2 years to have our third but I have had 5 miscarriages in these 2 years. I just had my last miscarriage a few days ago. I am 23 years old and my husband is 36. He also has children from a previous marriage. Its so heart breaking every time it happens because I go a few months and we get so happy and excited and then it feels like all hope is lost and I get into a deep depression. We want another baby so bad. I have some health problems but I don't think they'd have anything to do with it. I'm just angry and scared and suffering every day and every time I see a baby it kills me. If anyone could give me some advice or help I'd appreciate it. Thanks and sorry for my rant