For new breastfeeding moms

Hi mamas!

I breastfed my baby for almost 3 month. My daughter only took 1 of my boobs and so i pumped and supplemented with formula. I eventually pumped exclusively since she didnt take my other boob. I was miserable about pumping and felt rejected and my supply started to dip and I felt stuck to a pump all day. I made the hard choice to stop pumping all together since I was crying all the time. I felt guilty for giving up because i was so proud to give her my milk and I felt rejected that she didnt like my boobs.

If I can reach 1 mom who is struggling, I just want to say, i feel so happy that I made the choice to stop. Im a better wife and mother because of it. You dont need to feel guilty or ashamed. Your baby wont remember if they were breastfed or formula fed, you will however remember how unhappy you were.

I know this isnt the case for all moms but if you do feel this way and are scared to make the choice to stop, know you are not alone.