

So I’m a bit worried about baby girl’s development. She was born 3 weeks early and spent the first week and a half in the Nicu so she had a hard start to begin with. She also has GERD so tummy time didn’t come easily. But even now at 6 months (5 months and a week fixed time) she doesn’t like her tummy. She sleeps most of the days and wakes to eat but she’s really only up I’d say 6-10 hours a day. She can roll from back to tummy but not tummy to back. She can’t sit up on her own. She will grip a toy we give her but then just drops it. She doesn’t reach for stuff when we hand it to her and she struggles to eat baby food with a spoon. My first was a whole different breed. He did everything 2-3 months early and he has autism so I guess I’m just worried about her.