Faint line pregnancy test


Hey girls

I wanna know everyone’s opinion

(no judging please)

I recently had an abortion on July 28 to be exact

A week later I had unprotected sex I actually had unprotected sex with 2 people not at the same time obviously but the first person I had unprotected sex with I only had sex with him once. I spoke to him he said he def did not cum inside me. Then after kept having unprotected sex with someone else more frequent.

I wanna know two things…. Well I tested this week I have a faint line and I’m getting pregnancy symptoms how I felt before I had the abortion FYI if I am pregnant i am keeping it. I am going to retest again next week maybe I am early not enough HCG i wanna know do you guys think I am pregnant or is it false alarm?

And the other question is if I am pregnant if the father is the first person I had sex with or the one I have sex with frequently?????

Please help!!!