Natural Delivery :)

Audrey • Baby boy arrived Nov. 12! At 38 weeks exactly!💙

By all natural, I literally mean natural vaginal birth. No C-section. No painkillers or epidural! Sorry for the long story but here goes. I went in on 11/11 because I felt a pop in my tummy. I didn't think much of it but I started getting little contractions so I called my Midwife and she said it could be my water breaking. I still didn't think it was anything but went to the birthing center anyways. They checked but the strip didn't turn blue. So my Midwife had to go all the way to my cervix and sure enough the strip turned blue. My water bag had ruptured just as she thought. I had to be admitted and I was shocked. I labored for about 10 hours and barely dilating to a 2. I was given cervadil but it wasn't making my contractions strong enough. They only made them consistent. So I finally gave in to the pitocin but I was so disappointed and cried because I wanted my son to come out on his own. They barely gave me half of 1 MG pitocin and went to a 4 and in 3 hours I was 6! My contractions were painful but I managed to sleep at 6cm. Suddenly in less than a hour, I woke up and yelled ow! They checked me and I was 9! They barely got the room ready and I started pushing. In less than 10 minutes, My son was born November 12, 2015 at 3:38pm💕

He was 7lbs. 5oz, 20 inches long. 38 weeks exactly! Absolutely perfect. I'm only 19 years old and I feel so proud of myself for going natural. My husband was absolutely shocked that I didn't scream my head off or anything. I'm so thankful for my little man. He's EBF since day one and even when from 7. 5 at birth to 8lbs. 3oz at his one week check up! I love him so much and thank you for reading my long story! 👍🏼