Tips for weaning with an over supply?



*Trigger warning: oversupply mentioned*

I’m looking for tips on weaning with an oversupply. I am an oversupplier (I get at least 72 oz/day). I try to pump just enough to feel relief, but because I make so much milk, I usually have to express quite a bit to make the hard lumps go away. And then I fill back up pretty quickly. Right now I pump 5-6 times a day. Any tips/tricks are appreciated! I’ve already tried taking Sudafed to help decrease my supply, but that didn’t do anything. I’m also not back on birth control yet because I don’t have my doc appointment until later this month. I want to be completely weaned by the time I go back to work in two months.

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I spaced pumps out as far as I could possibly stand it. I didn’t pump to release pressure, I used the Hakka instead. I would pull off maybe 1-1.5oz per side and nothing more to not stimulate letdown. I cut down to 3 pumps a day (was only doing 5 before). Every day I would try to go an extra 30 minutes longer between pumps. I didn’t have any clogs. I wore breast pads and rubbed out any hard spots. I started that way before I was weaning because I got so sick of pumping so I cut my supply to only replenish what was drunk that day. Once it came time to completely stop, it took about a week to stop getting hard lumps


Natalie • Sep 2, 2021
Thank you!


Posted at
I don’t have any advice but I was just curious about the trigger warning for saying you have an oversupply. Is that triggering? I’m very confused by that.


HGHolmes • Sep 1, 2021
Oh wow. I never knew that. Thanks.


Natalie • Sep 1, 2021
I’ve seen where some moms who have an under supply can be triggered by posts mentioning over supply. Just trying to be respectful of those moms.