Poor Hubby

This pregnancy wasn't planned, although we are excited and very happy to be welcoming our baby girl to the world this April. I never realized that expecting fathers often get as many never ice comments as we do as expecting mothers from people. I don't know why everyone thinks it's okay to share their unsolicited advice and comments. I was on a very low hormone dose pill when we conceived; my body has never reacted well to birth control. I took my pill religiously and we still got pregnant. We've been together for five years and have never once even had a pregnancy scare, so it really irritates me when my husband tells people I was on birth control and they almost laugh at him and say, "Oh she definitely missed a pill," or something along those lines. Idk wtf is wrong with people, but I feel like negative comments are more damaging to our significant others than to us, since they are dealing with the pressure and anxiety of being a father without the connection that we feel having this life inside of us.