I'm scared of my wife....

I'm in a lesbian marriage and it has been terrifying. I've dealt with some horrible stuff. She can be very abusive. She pushed me down the stairs. She calls me a count and slut. At one point I left her for a long time and met a guy and actually started falling for him. He was perfect for me... But my wife came begging for me back and promised this time would change. It was only a matter of time before she had her hands around my throat again. She gave me gonorrhea that went untreated and I lost an ovary. We then tried for a baby. And we used one of my eggs and a sperm donor to make our son. Then she got worse and would call me a pathetic mother than blame it all on postpartum depression... Last night I have never been more scared. She said she hated our baby and I said I was leaving and taking MY son. She said it doesn't matter that he's biologically mine, she gave birth so court will rule in her favor. I ignored her and packed our stuff. Then she went and pulled a gun to the back of my forehead! She told me to turn around. I did and she held another to her head and said if I try to leave she will kill all 3 of us and then spit on me! She's been working from home to watch me like a hawk. I'm scared that I can't get out and never will

Will I lose my son if I leave?! Biological he's mine but she carries him!