Kids at a wedding?

Rose • Billy💕🔐 William Raleigh•Bradley Benjamin•Bentley Joseph

I have 3 boys. A 2 1/2 year old and twin 18 month olds. My boyfriends brother is getting married in less than 2 weeks and our kids were invited with us. My boyfriend is a groomsman so for most of the day I’ll be on my own with all 3 of them.

The wedding is 5 minutes away from our home so I planned on having a friend meet me there 1/2 way through the reception to watch them for the rest of the night so we could have adult time with family and friends

My boyfriend is now saying he thinks it would be better to just leave them home the whole wedding and not have to stress and worry about them acting up and having to leave to bring them to the sitter.

Part of me agrees with him but the other part of me wants them with us at the wedding. The kids aren’t in the wedding party FYI.

Anyone have any advice or have had similar situations