Keeping Weight Down While Pregnant

Is anyone else frustrated that no matter what they do they keep gaining weight? I'm not saying I'm a nazi and never indulge in that treat that's calling out to me; but for the most part my diet consists of whole grains, yogurt, fruits and veggies, chicken or beef, and tons of salad. I never eat fast food and rarely eat pizza, I don't drink soda or eat potato chips or anything like that. Over all I'd say my diet is mostly healthy AND I work out five times a week; which is more than I ever did before I was pregnant! I wasn't big to begin with, I am 5'9" and weighed 135 pre pregnancy, I am 23 weeks tomorrow and have put on 25 pounds! I'm not concerned about the weight as far as how I look cosmetically or anything like that, my body image is fine and I am happy! I just don't want th doctors to tell me I am putting on too much weight, or have to worry about gestational diabetes or anything like that. Any other mamas having this problem/had this problem and any advice?