Emotional wreck. 29 weeks pregnant


So last night my husband and I got into a big fight. He said some nasty hurtful things to me about me and our babies. (Don’t know if he meant it or not) he apologized but even today I’m so heartbroken from it that I don’t believe him when he says he’s sorry. Even today he’s still being hateful towards me raising his voice at me on the phone. (He’s a truck driver) won’t be home for a few days still. And even just from him rising his voice at me has me crying uncontrollably once again. (I cried for 2-3 hours last night) no joke.

But anyway, I’m 29 weeks pregnant I’m a high risk pregnancy my first two kids were extremely early born. I have problems with having a short cervix. And I found out with this pregnancy that I am anemic and my baby girl is growing very slowly for where she should be at. I go every week twice a week to be checked on. I go every Tuesday for a regular appointment the over to labor and delivery for monitoring on her. And then every Friday I had ultrasounds to check on her as well then once that is done I go back to labor and delivery to be monitored once again.

And on top of this I have a 1 year old at home with me 24/7 taking care of him alone while my husband is working.

So with all that being said last night I started to have what I’m thinking is Braxton Hicks contractions my belly had pain and at the same time my lower back did. That continued for awhile. And today I’m having the same pains again and she’s not moving like she normally would. Which scares me so badly. And I’m also having extreme pelvic pressure my vagina hurts at times.

Can this emotional stress cause my baby any harm inside me? I’m trying not to let it bother me but before my pregnancy I struggled with my emotions.

I go back to my doctor tomorrow. Please anyone give me some advice I’m a mess right now.

Thanks in advance ladies❤️❤️