Round 4 clomid & fertility appt question


I am starting my 4th cycle of clomid 50mg (OBGYN told me he would only allow me to take for 5 cycles or max 6 before moving to next steps). Back history: I have had positive ovulation tests each month of 17 months of trying, typically positive on day 16/17 with cycles lasting 28-31 days. Did bloodwork and had HSG and all normal along with normal SA.

Messaged my doctor after the first month and was confused by ovulation tests. He responded and told me to not waste money on them and just have timed intercourse day 9, 11, 13, 15 and 17. After I started my period last week I decided to call a fertility clinic to make an appt for additional testing or just for another opinion. My husband is worried my OB will be mad for going past him.. but i figured this would probably be the next step anyways right? What all did the fertility clinic do at your first appt if you already had some testing done at your OB? (Sorry long-winded but I am overthinking everything right now lol)