Weird ovulation?

Ok so my last period was August 27-30. I started taking opks about 3 days ago and this is what they look like:

I didn't take an opk on the 3rd bc I thought it was too soon after period and since my periods are regular 27-28 days I assumed these would not look like this, this earlier either. Is it possible to ovulate this soon after a period? I noticed about 4 days ago my boobs started to get a little sore and I've had a few cramps. Which does seem a bit earlier than most months. Also last month I had positive opks but it was about 12-13 days after period. I also didn't have sore boobs or cramps or any signs so I may not have ovulated last month even with the lh surge. Thoughts? I also temped last month and it doesn't look like there was a set ovulation day. I haven't temped this month yet though.