When is enough enough?


My MIL and my GMIL are absolutely the worst people you will ever meet. We have gotten into so many arguments Bc they believe they don’t see the kids enough they are over at my house multiple times a day for more than 15 minutes at a time. I try to be nice and civil because of my children. They also constantly drive by my house multiple times and if I go out somewhere they will call my husband and tell him I’m cheating. Today my GMIL drove by my house 3 times while I was walking out of my house, walking to my truck and then also while I was driving off. She then calls my husband and says I’m out early so I’m up to no good. Then she stops back by this afternoon while I am outside cleaning out the dog kennel and asks me “ where are the kids?” ( mind you I have been out for maybe 2 minutes). I said they were inside my daughter was eating chicken nuggets while the baby was in his high chair eating stars. She asked me again and I told her again. She then makes a comment “ are you sure they are still alive.” I asked her why would you ask a stupid question like that and she said Bc what kind of mother is always on her phone talking to someone. ( mind you my son has medical conditions so I am always on the phone with his doctors coming up with plans for him, talking to his PT,OT, Speech therapist. Updating his pediatrician on what the specialist are saying and scheduling out further appointments.) I called my husband and asked him and he laughed and said you know how she is, so I told my mother in law and she said the same thing. I just don’t understand where everyone finds this funny and I don’t find anything funny at all?