Miscarriage Memories 👶🏽👼🏽

DeAndrea • 21Year Old Parent . O`Mauri Is My Heart
July 20th I came home from work and laid down... Shortly after I started to have pains in the right side of my body I thought oh well maybe it's trapped gas so I laid down... 20 mins of enduring pain it finally stopped I called my Bf and told him baby I'm having pains that feel like trapped gas so he took me to the hospital ... After getting put into a room I took a pregnancy test and they were going to tell me the results when they came in.... A lady Walked in to take my blood and she spilled the beans (that I was pregnant) lol so I told them to go to the waiting room to get my Bf so I could tell him the news ... Soon as he walked in I said baby I'm pregnant and the biggest smile Showed on his face and I felt loved and I knew I wouldn't go through my pregnancy alone like I did with my son . Before they took me to get an ultrasound I had already started to bleed but I thought maybe it's just old blood Bc with my first child I almost had a miscarriage but he survived... As the nurse looked at the ultrasound I asked if she could tell me how far along I was but she couldn't tell me until a doctor looked first ... So after all of that the lady told me that I wasn't far along enough to tell if the baby had an heart beat.. I followed up with my doctor who delivered my first born and she told me I had a chemical pregnancy😔 from the ultrasound it wasn't a sac or fetus in my womb so I had passed the little angel... I cried and my bf held me and my doctor told me it would be okay and I could try again ... I still think about the angel I lost ... It just wasn't time for us to meet the angel yet. I had already been stressed out and going thru some things but I think about my angel from time to time 👶🏽👼🏽