Ivf with pgs testing embryos my baby stop growing at 6weeks

Ry Ry 👑 1 👦🏽💙 3-4 TTC 👶🏽 #2 10years later

I’m finding it hard to believe & even starting to feel like I shouldn’t try recently on July 22, 2021 I had a successful <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">ivf</a> transfer. I got a 600 beta on Augusta 3rd I repeated my 2nd beta which jumped up to the thousands I was sure this was my baby. I went in for my 6weeks U/S we saw baby & her heartbeat was 111 I say her because I had my embryos test & we also knew the gender of each 1. Doctor told me to return 2 weeks later I went in sept 2nd only to hear my baby was still measuring 6 weeks in 4 days so they told me that she wasn’t growing anymore but still had a heartbeat I didn’t give up there I went in yesterday sept 8th only to hear nothing has changed. Now I’m confused because we had our embryo genetic tested & the Eliminated the embryos that’s was not going to have a live pregnancy. Tomorrow I’m going in for a D&C to have my baby removed because I don’t won’t to naturally pass it & see it has anyone went through this or know someone who did & went to have a successful pregnancy the 2nd go around anyone???