Am I allowed to be mad!

So my boyfriends just told me that in the next week he's going down to some beach house and if his friends can go he's going with them and having a boys night and if they can't I'll be going with him. He's also just told me that if his friends can't go and I go with him then he won't spend New Years with me because he will have a boys night then. I told him I don't mind if he wants a boys night that's perfectly okay just that I want to spend New Years with him. And this New Years his parents are letting him go down to another beach house and he said if I go with him to the other beach house he'll be spending New Years with his friends at this beach house. And I said why can't I come since last New Years I spent with him and his friends and he said it's different because we won't be going to the bay where heaps of people he knew would be there like last years. This is all because his friends don't have girlfriends and apparently it's like weird and unfair to have me there. 
I understand he wants time with his friends without me and that's okay I just don't think it's fair that I'm not allowed to spend New Years with him because his friends don't have girlfriends so it'd be unfair or something