Guys not lasting long…

Help me understand this, please. My significant other and I have been together for 5 years now. The sex has gotten (I hate to say)….where it’s not good.

It seems not even a few years ago, he’d pay attention to me and my needs during sex, and now doesn’t seem to care about anything other than his own. Besides the extra masturbation (him making trips to the restroom), he isn’t lasting long (5 minutes or so, including foreplay a lot of times), he will tell me when he is about to (sometimes I’ll even let him know by saying something like “Please don’t” or “just a bit longer please”) and then he will apologize for it afterwards…..but that’s it. It’s “I’m sorry” and roll over and sleep (or he will go get back on his computer).

Please, any guys, girls out there that can give me some tips on how to make things healthier in the bedroom?😞 I’ve touched on this with him (another related concern that had this brought up within it), but only one time after that conversation did anything different happen (that night was the best night in a long time and I had a blast with how well we played together, and I finished as well), then it was right back to getting off so soon. Since then it’s been back to that and I just don’t know what to do. Is there something I can do from my side of things to help him last longer? Am I doing something wrong?😞

I’m not a person to go looking for something else just because I’m not getting it within my relationship. I’m the toxic person that will do every last single thing to try to make things work until they just won’t. This is one of those attempts since I feel communication failed here. I’ve also tried accepting that leaving would be the best option (also asked him to leave), but he refused to accept either of those. There’s more to that part of the story than just sex. He wants to work on things, but I’m not sure what I need to do. please, any advice would be amazing. I apologize if I’ve offended anyone with my lack of understanding in this area.