What does this sound like to you?

**He already has an appointment scheduled to see his pediatrician**

My son has some behavioral problems. He’s 3. One of the worst is that he purposely tries to bother/hurt you. For example he will hit you with a pillow, and if you say to stop, he absolutely won’t. You can take the pillow, and he will get something else to hit you with. You can physically remove him and put him in his room, and he will just scream in there and hurt him self as retaliation. He does these types of things daily. So this morning, he was not himself. He laid down on the sofa and wasn’t talking. It was totally out of character for him. I took his temperature and it was normal. I asked him if something hurt and he said his head hurt. His face looked pale. His lips looked pale. I got him to eat some Goldfish and yogurt and drink some water. Within 15 minutes he perked up and started playing. Now, a few hours later, his behavior is completely uncontrollable. He is kicking me, he scratched his brother’s face up, he is biting me and his brother, and is laughing all while hurting us. What on earth does this sound like to you? I have a weird feeling that it’s related to blood sugar.