Was this sketchy? Could we have gotten kidnapped or robbed?

My friend and I went out to get boba earlier. The area with my favorite boba shop is a little sketchy and it’s never really busy. Well my friend and I got out as we entered the store I realized I forgot to put on my mask, so she went inside while I stayed outside the shop and dug around my bag for it. While I was putting it on I noticed a big Chevrolet entering the parking lot, which I thought nothing of and went inside after putting on my mask. My friend and I ordered our boba and we were waiting for about 7 minutes. When we walked out, that same car had stopped in front of it. We were the only ones in those parking spaces

The black dots are headlights, red is the Chevy, and green is my friends car. We were coming from the front of my friends car, so we would’ve had to walk around the chevy to get to it. I quickly told my friend that I noticed the car more than 5 minutes before it must’ve been waiting like that the entire time and my fight or flight kicked in. We cautiously walked a little closer and I kept my eyes on the doors (windows were tinted so I couldn’t see anyone who might be inside). At one point I stopped because it wasn’t budging and I had grabbed my friend, and after a moment of standing there it drove up maybe a foot or two and stopped. We walked around and I still kept staring at it, as we were getting in the car turned and stopped again and it was lined up with my friends car and where I was getting in. Then it drove behind the car, in front of the parking space behind us and stopped again when we closed the doors it finally drove off, which told us it wasn’t even there for any of the shops there.

Idk if I’m being paranoid? I’ve been followed home before and know better than most that you can’t trust anyone, so idk if that’s my trauma making me extra cautious or if it really was sketchy and I was right to be so cautious? Idk, my stomach just dropped when I noticed the car and I felt a little sick. What do you guys think?