Bonding with 2 year old advice

Tess • Nari Lyn 11/13/17•Emma Rose 3/17/19•Pierce James 9/28/20•Willow Grace 3/22/22

Can someone give me advice on how to bond with my 2 (soon to be 3 in march) year old? I have a 4 year old and an almost 1 year old. When my 2 year old was 6 months I went back to school to get a better career for us, before I went to school she was all over me and only wanted me. But I guess when I went to school and my mother watched them she developed a very strange and obsessive bond with her. She wants nothing to do with me(sometimes, we’re working on it). She only wants my mother 90% of the time. I’ve noticed she has a bad attitude with me and tells me no whenever I asked her to do something, even if Im talking to her sister she’ll answer instead and yell no. I’ve read it saying it could be a lack of a bond so she doesn’t respect me enough to do as told. I wanted to take her to the park today for lunch but all our parks are closed due to the hurricane we just had. Any advice on building my bond back with her?