Can I have some advice please?


Ok so my daughter is 10 months old and I’m struggling. We never introduced a dummy / pacifier when she was a newborn and got into the habit of nursing her to sleep. That is now coming back to bite me. She will not settle on her own, she won’t go down for any naps without nursing and won’t go back to sleep during the night without nursing. I’m struggling now. I need 5 minutes to myself but I can’t get it because she has bad separation anxiety. She won’t let her dad hold her when she’s upset, she just wants me. I know this is my own fault but I just need some advice on how to sort it. She hates being rocked to sleep and she hates having her face stroked so I’ve no clue how to settle her. She doesn’t suck her thumb or have a comfort toy. So what can I do? I don’t want to leave her crying either.