Crazy Mil

Did anyone else’s mother in law get crazy once you got pregnant? 🤣 She’s already telling me that she’s staying at my house the day we come home for a 2 week stay to help; absolutely not. This is my first child, I want to have space and be able to enjoy my sons first week of life with just my husband and I. She has never once visited me at my house at all, she always expect up to visit her when we only live 25 mins apart. We wouldn’t see her for months if we didn’t come see her ! So why only after I have my son do you finally want to visit let alone spend two weeks? She blows up my phone all day everyday wanting to know where I’m at and what I’m doing, then when I don’t respond it’s “You’re keeping the baby away from me” . No it’s literally just annoying we’re both adults and I have a life just like she does I could either be busy or resting but she doesn’t care. Then she got mad because she I told her she made me feel uncomfortable and it wasn’t her business to know when she asked me how my nipples and vagina felt and if I had lost my mucus plug. She then said it was her right to know because it’s her grandson and once again I was trying to keep my son from her 🤣. I’m so over her she’s literally stressing me out I get that she’s excited but she’s being obsessive and overbearing! I liked her before my pregnancy but I’m not sure if I like her anymore.