Would love other mommies opinions!


So had my appointment this morning, I’m 2 days away from my due date. Last week I had a scare my water broke so I went to L&D, they said nope but I am 1CM. One week later I see my OB(this morning), she’s claiming I am not even a CM dilated and asked how long I’d like to go past my due date, I explained that I’d like for her to come on her own, doctor started telling me the dangers of baby possibly pooping in womb and what if we talked about induction. To me I will not consider induction unless either 1. Baby is in harms way or 2. Mommy is in harms way. For me baby pooping in womb is putting her in harms way. I didn’t schedule an induction because well honestly I started having a panic attack. She also stated because baby is so high up my chance of c section is greater. My friend has been saying my doctor is just using scare tactics to get me to induce but I feel so confused as I am a first time mom.

My questions are:

- Why am I getting 2 different dilation readings?! It’s so confusing

- Would it be worth getting induced at 40w2d for the doctors reasonings?

- Is it really true I have a higher chance of c section?