We trigger tonight!


Update Sept 20th: 13 eggs retrieved! And less pain than last time. Now it's just about healing, hoping and waiting. Once I get my period we will go ahead and go on birth control to let things chill for a month before we start prepping for a FET....surely we'll have at least ONE PGA normal embaby!

Round two of <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>. This time we're doing PGT, so they upped my meds a little since we didn't care about my lining. Last time I had 11 mature follicles but only 6 eggs were retrieved. This time there are 18 follicles. I'm optimistic we'll get a better result this time. I've enjoyed reading all the success stories! If we have a normal embryo we will be on target to transfer the second week in November!