I have a 1.5 yr old & a 4 year old & no outside help I can count on for when I need to work. Videos/toys/snacks really only last so long before someone desperately needs mom, or is bored (cause I’m just so exciting, y’know)

I usually cram when the little one naps, but she only naps once a day for short amounts of time, and her nap time can fall literally anywhere between 11am-4pm, so it’s tough to really “schedule” my day.

Getting up early is useless too because inevitably both of them will wake up early with me & then be fussy & overtired all day & I’ll get even less done. Working at night doesn’t work all that great either because by the time I finally have them both down, I’m exhausted myself and/or have housework to catch up on… I also can’t make the calls I need to when it’s super early/late.

How do you find your balance and manage things? I feel like there are always all these work from home opportunities, but it’s so much more complicated than its portrayed. I’m sure it’s easier as they get bigger (not that I want to rush that!) but in the interim, any advice is appreciated!

(Also, changing jobs is NOT an option)