Scariest time of my life!


Ladies and (some) gentlemen;

Let me tell you about the hell my husband and I have been through.

It all started 3 weeks ago on a Thursday, when I took a pregnancy test and it was positive. Due to my ectopic pregnancy last year, my doctor wanted to see me the next day. I had my HCG level checked and it was 100. I then had an ultrasound. Met with a doctor (who I will not mention, nor recommend) and he said there was nothing visible on the ultrasound and wanted me to head down to the emergency room to terminate pregnancy ASAP. I said absolutely not.

So I returned 48 hours later to the clinic and got another HCG check. This time it was 448 and my doctor scheduled another ultrasound.

Tuesday of last week, my HCG level sky rocketed to 1,000. Then Thursday it shot up to 6,000.

However, on the ultrasound my doctor now saw something growing in my uterus and something growing next to my right fallopian tube (same tube my ectopic was in last year)

My doctor had mentioned it could possibly be a corpus luteum cyst. Which is a fluid filled cyst that developes early in pregnancy and during ovulation. She also mentioned twins. Meaning one made it to my uterus, and one got stuck in my tube.

She started throwing around scenarios of surgery to remove my fallopian tube, having a D&C or medically terminating. Saying I was freakin’ terrified was an understatement.

My doctor was still “cautiously” optimistic, but was confident because my blood work showed I was moving in a good direction. The nurse still gave me ectopic precautions, told me to relax over the weekend and to return Monday for another ultrasound and more blood work.

So today, I went in for blood work and an ultrasound.

I absolutely LOVED the ultrasound tech that I had today. She actually showed me the screen, and explained everything to me. After the ultrasound, I headed to my doctor; to get all the results.

The nurse, was the best nurse ever. She helped me through my ectopic last year, and has basically held my hand through this three week scare.

After today’s blood work, my HCG level is 27 THOUSAND!!

My ultrasound revealed only small “follicles” in my right tube. Basically “ovulation debris”. Nothing to be concerned about.

It also revealed a yolk sac IN my uterus! Which means ya girl is preggo!!

I’m (roughly) 5 weeks and 2 days, due in May of 2022.

However, my doctor wants to monitor me very closely. So in exactly 11 days I have to have another ultrasound!

But for now, we are “cautiously” excited 😊