Early labor?


I’m currently 38+2 and this is my second pregnancy. I am scheduled to have a c-section on Friday 10/1. With my first baby in February of 2018 I had some complications that led to an emergency c-section and because of those complications I am at major risk with a VBAC, hence the scheduled c-section.

Well, since yesterday evening I have been having insane pressure, like it feels like my baby is right on my cervix. I started getting pretty strong Braxton Hicks last night so I took a bath and drank some water and they went away. I laid down to go to bed and out of nowhere I got insanely nauseous and I had to get out of bed to throw up. After throwing up I felt fine and went back to bed and fell asleep. Throughout the night I woke up a couple times to some more “Braxton Hicks”, but now I’m not sure if they were actually normal contractions, just super inconsistent. It’s currently 5:45am where I am and I woke up with bad diarrhea and just overall not feeling so great. I have an appointment Monday afternoon, but my question is do you guys think I should call L&D today and see if they want me to come in to be monitored since I’m supposed to be having a scheduled c-section and not go into labor? Or should I just wait it out until my normal appointment? Thanks for anyone who reads all of this and responds!