Please give advice to a very stressed out mother!!


Y’all. I have a daughter that is only TEN months old and I found out a week ago I’m pregnant again. I was on birth control so this was very unexpected and very shocking. Also, my dad (whom I was very close with) passed away about 2 1/2 weeks ago. I’ve been very depressed and stressed. Trying my absolute HARDEST to cope and grieve with this the best I can. It hasn’t been easy at ALL. I’m highly upset that I’m going to have two children only about 18 months apart. I cried for 3 days straight after I found out. I’m ashamed to say this but I am not excited at all nor feel any of those good emotions I did with my first, and I feel so guilty because I know their are woman who can’t have children or are struggling right now. I know how that is personally. I had a miscarriage and didn’t conceive my daughter until almost 2 years later. I should feel so fortunate but all I feel is sadness and depression. Sometimes I feel like I can hardly handle the one I have so I have no idea how I’m supposed to handle two a year and a half apart.! I lost my grandfather a day before I delivered my daughter and here I am 10 months later losing yet another important person in my life and pregnant again. I don’t know how to handle all this. Please tell me it’s going to be okay. I am freaking out because I’ve always pictured like a perfect 3-4 year age gap in between children and now that’s down the drain.