Annoyed upset and hurt


Me babies father just got to California today after being away from me for about 5 months and everything was fine when he wasn’t here yet but the moment he got out here he started yelling at me because he couldn’t get an Uber from the airport because my card kept saying declined even though there’s money on my card. Then he decided he wanted to cough on all the face mask and even did it while one was on my face and because it pissed me off that he would even do that thinking it would be funny (knowing things like that aren’t funny to me) he proceeds to yell and talk shit to me and had the nerve to call me a hoe as I’m walking away and trying to avoid anymore arguing being I’m almost 37 weeks pregnant and said I’ll be dealing with the birth of our child alone and I think that hurt my feelings the most because who wants to push out a baby alone it’s not my first pregnancy and I had my oldest child’s father there with me the entire time regardless of if we got along or not he made sure to be there so for my current childs father to say I’ll be doing it alone I’m truly hurt.