Pre-partum anxiety/depression

I honestly thinking I’m suffering from pre-partum depression. I have had this for most of my pregnancy but I’m constantly worrying and anxious. I have irrational and intrusion thoughts about things going wrong. I’m 35 weeks and so close and I’m just sad all the time. It doesn’t help I live with my mom right now and she constantly puts me down. She nags constantly about everything and no matter what I do it’s not good enough. My husband and kids are here and the give off so much love but they kids are also constantly fighting or just not listening to me. I’m scared I’m failing them and failing my little girl in my belly. I honestly think about after she is born just not being here anymore. If something were to happen to baby V I couldn’t live with myself because it would be my fault. Im trying to do everything right but im doing everything wrong. It just all seems hopeless. I’m scared to get help though.