Super crappy job, lets share stories!!!

So I've been looking for work for over a freaking year. Its hard as hell to come by. I've finally landed a job thats not just a casual or for "6 months only". Its guarenteed 20-25 hours per week but my normal week will actually be 37.5 hours. And I'll bring home around $600 per week. 
Sounds great, it is great, thats exactly what my partner needed to help us support ourselves and not get smushed under crippling debt.
Except this is an extremely shitty job. Absolutely terrible. In every aspect. Its  a job I have 5+ years of indistrial experience in as well, so its not like I dont know how to do it, or am ot used to what it entails. 
Its just set up and managed so poorly and is so understaffed at this company that its made the job almost impossible in the alotted time I'm given, they work us to the bone. They had 12 people hired before us to do this job. They fired all of them, and hired me and 2 other ladies to take their places. So now 3 people are being forced to do the job of 12 men in the same time frame and at the same pace.
I wont mention the companies name, as its not their fault this job is managed so poorly and is so so crap. It's the people they've hired to administrate and be the managers that are doing such bad jobs. 
Thats my bit of venting. I'm sure ill make an actual "venting post" at some point because this job is so maddening. But anyways. 
Who else here is stuck in a crummy, terrible job, that you cant leave because you need to support yourself and your family?