I don’t like putting a mask on my child. UPDATE!!

Update- thank you everyone for your support, I didn’t even realize people thought like me.

Narwhals- thank you so so much for the suggestion, I actually do think something like that would work for my son, and at least I could see if there’s stuff stuck to the mask if he sneezes. I actually just ordered one, hopefully if it works I can enroll him back in school. I think he wouldn’t mind it, it looks less restrictive. Thank you again.

Mom4- I did pull him out of preschool. As I stated in my post, I live in a place that is VERY PRO MASK, going out without a mask is NOT something accepted or done here, so I thought it was obvious that meant we didn’t go anywhere without a mask, and stayed home. Clearly reading comprehension is lacking here

I know this is a very controversial statement, and I expect to get a lot of shit for it, but I really need to talk about this, and I am hoping someone else who feels this way can agree with me, although I know on this app, it’s very unlikely.

My son is newly three and I absolutely hate that he needs to wear a mask to go to daycare, preschool, or the library. I also have a daughter who is turning 2 next month and she will also have to wear a mask.

I think if my son gave less resistance about wearing the mask I would be ok with it. He hates it, and he cries when he puts it on. From the ages 2-2.5 he would not wear it at all. Closer to 3 I finally was able to get him to wear it, but he’s so unhappy with it. He will wear it for a short time, pull it down, we pull it back up, and he cries. He does this at preschool also.

He doesn’t understand the concept of it. I am hoping now that he’s 3 maybe he will understand better, but he just does not get it. I explain it’s to keep other people safe, and he just doesn’t care. I read on this app all the time that people’s young children wear the mask and understand it no problem, and I wish my son could be like that, but he doesn’t.

I picked him up from preschool last week and his mask had snot in it from sneezing in it. I took him out and started working remote. I was so torn, but the fact that he is so sad when he wears his mask and he was walking around with snot in it for however long made me so sad. I wish the age was a bit older, like maybe even 5 and up. I just feel like 2 is so young.

Now before everyone jumps down my throat- I really really hate that I feel this way. I wish I didn’t. I live in a very blue state- in a very liberal county, with a very liberal friend group. My social circle would definitely judge me hard if they knew I felt this way, so I feel kind of alone in my thoughts. I personally don’t know anyone who is anti mask, and there’s a huge stigma where I live that if you are anti mask, you are stupid ignorant, selfish, a piece of shit. Not wearing a mask is just not something we do around here. And I am not anti-mask at all. Even after getting the vaccine I still continue to wear my mask- I just wish the mandate did not include toddlers