I can’t anymore...

I can’t anymore..I can’t with my parents always fighting. My dad rubbing it on my mother’s face that’s cheating on her. They always fighting. Multiple anxiety is in high alerts as I can’t leave my mom alone or they were be arguing and sometimes that goes physical. I can’t with my dad threatening my mom. I can’t with all the problems I have with my bf. We also have a toxic relationship but I can’t let go. I know I’m fucken stupid. I was in college wanting to be someone but iChat decided what to be so I wasted so many years going to major to major to nothing. I have no fucken degree no future . I just hate myself, I hate my life. Sometimes I just wish I was gone... I’m sorry for any mistakes as I’m crying as I’m writing as I had to make my dad leave and I couldn’t hold it in came out...

I feel so alone.. I have no one to talk to...I just don’t feel like bothering my friends with my problems because it’s too much ...