Are they allowed to do this?


When I was interviewing for my job, I told my boss I didn’t want to work sundays due to religious belief and the fact that I teach at my church. He told me that I couldn’t have every Sunday off because what would people think if he gives the newbie every Sunday when most seniors don’t even get it? So I said ok but we agreed that I would work afternoons only so I could at least make it to church.

Well at first they were honoring what we agreed on and I had most sundays off, but lately I’m working every Sunday. I’ve missed over a month of church now which is important to me and I didn’t even get to watch our semi-annual conference. I tried asking the HR rep (who makes the schedules) if I could just work less sundays and she told me I’ll have to request each individual Sunday off. Which is just plain ridiculous.

Now I’m scared to go and change my availability because I was initially told that I cannot be unavailable sundays.

With everything that’s been going on I really want to quit but I’ve only been at this job 3 months and need to have at least one more long term job on my resume. I would rather be at home with my son who is nearly 6m, but if I don’t work we won’t be able to pay the bills. I can’t go to a call center either (have to see a therapist from that experience) and I can’t go back to food service because it’s such a toxic environment.

My husband has sent me laws regarding religious rights but I’m not sure that what they did falls under that.

Edit: this is just one of the things that is on the gov website.

It does say that lack of necessary staffing thing, but that’s not why my boss told me no. He said I couldn’t because it would upset my coworkers which is addressed further down. I don’t want to try to take advantage of anyone I just want to know what are my rights. I’ve honestly had it up to here with everything to do with my job. My schedule, my husband’s schedule, pumping, babysitting, everything.