Daycare pushing for 1 nap


My daughter is 10 months old. At home on the weekends she takes 2 solid naps a day but has only been getting 1 at daycare recently. We’ve always had the battle with our daycare center about how many naps she should be getting. They consistently push her to stay awake longer than what I feel is developmentally appropriate the whole time she’s been there (since 4 months old).

They said they want to go ahead and get her on the toddler schedule for when she transitions to the next room but they said she won’t move up until 16 months so why does she need to be down to 1 nap a day 6 months ahead of when she’ll move up?

I have no other issues with my daycare. They have been awesome in every other area; it is always just the battle of the naps with them. And I understand she will never sleep as good at daycare as she does at home but still. I don’t understand the push to have her sleep less.

Has anyone worked in childcare and can share insights or other parents with similar issues and how you handled it? Thanks